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      Professional Services Consulting Packages

      Choose how to get more from fleet management services

      Our expert team has worked on hundreds of projects to simplify deployment, identify hidden value and deliver business transformation.

      Choose from three consulting packages to unlock the potential of telematics and big data for your specific situation.


      Accelerate Service

      Accelerate telematics adoption and value capture

      All your ducks in a row - from deployment plans to union or driver communication and ROI assessment.


      Compare Service

      Compare your fleet performance and aim for #1

      • What does good look like in your industry?
      • For the types of jobs you run?
      • For your specific fleet makeup?

      Uncover Service

      Uncover new sources of value across your business

      Prove telematics achievements to date, identify levers for value creation across the business & manage stakeholders.


      Combine Systems

      Our flexible Application Programming Interface (API) can help you manage a seamlessly connected business.

      Enable your digital transformation by linking our SaaS platform, Masternaut Connect, with your ERP, CRM and HRIS systems.


      Beat your peers

      What does good look like in my industry?

      Compare your performance to 100 billion data points per year by industry, vehicle type & make / model:

      • Speeding, idling, MPG
      • Fleet utilisation vs. peers
      • Driver behaviour vs. similar drivers
      • CO2 certification

      How does my MPG compare?


      Get in touch

      Find out more and seize your unseen advantage.